HACCP is a science-based analytical tool that enables management to introduce and maintain a cost-effective ongoing food safety program. It involves the systematic assessment of all the many steps involved in a food operation and identification of those steps that are critical to the safety of the product.

The HACCP approach allows management to concentrate resources on those steps that critically affect product safety. A HACCP study will produce a list of Critical Control Points (CCPs), together with controls, critical, limits, monitoring procedures and corrective actions for each CCP. For continuing safety, full records must be kept of each analysis, the efficacy of the study must be verified on a regular basis, and the HACCP plan must be reviewed when aspects of the operation or product change, or when a food-borne pathogen emerges with public health significance.

HACCP is a logical and cost-effective basis for better decision-making with respect to product safety. It provides food processors with a greater security of control over product safety than is possible with traditional end-product testing and when correctly implemented may be used as part of a defense of ‘Due Diligence’.

Reference: Quality Enhancement in Food Processing Through HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) ©APO 2004, ISBN: 92-833-7041-4