The Law Relating to Food Safety

In principle, it is required that all food handlers must understand the basics of food safety legislation and how it affects the whole catering operation. Legal acts and regulations applicable to food handlers are largely concerned with:

  • Preventing the production or sale of unsafe or unfit food
  • Preventing the contamination of food
  • The hygiene standards of food premises, equipment and personnel
  • Hygiene practices, including temperature control
  • The control of food poisoning
  • Training/instruction for food handlers
  • Identification and control of food safety risks

The Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 2006 require
all food handlers must be supervised and trained in food hygiene matters to a level appropriate to their job.  Food businesses must identify and control food hazards by making certain that food is supplied/sold in a hygienic way, knowing which stages in the food process are critical and ensuring safety controls are in place, maintained and up-datedIndividual food handlers must observe the personal hygiene rules, protect food from risk of contamination, wear suitable protective clothing and report infections to authorities as soon as possible if any.

Reference: Hygiene Codes of Practice Cook Chill/Freeze, NHS Foundation Trust , No: CORP/0014/v6, August 2011