Common bacterial we can find in food.

bacterium (5) (Staphylococcus aureus) bacterium (6) (Norovirus)


bacterium (2) (Bacillus cereus)           bacterium (3) (Escherichia coli)     bacterium (4)(Salmonella)

Number of bacteria is concerned by most people in food industry. The figure can tell us lots of things about our products. 

Most owner of food industry think that customers can’t realize how much bacterial they ate, or customers won’t understand that we deal our products very attentively, especially while the final products taste similar.

Just like chilling, most company chilling products by industrial fan, waiting for chilling, using ice cube or just move to refrigerator. The long chilling process provide enough time for bacteria breeding, and most important is the temperature of chilling process (70°C – 20°C) is suitable for bacteria breeding.


While we don’t dare to eat the food we made, how can we expect customers would like our products, even back to  costume again. 

How to control stability of products is also an important issue we should concern.

Many shops have good business while the shop just opening, especially the first six months. Most people loves to try new restaurant, and if the owner didn’t grasp this chance to build it’s own competitiveness, the business will lost gradually.

Unstable quality will result in the lost of business, and most of customers will not come back again. Food quality is related to bacteria, also incomes.

Low bacteria active and growth

= small changes of food

= stable quality

= future expanding



What does it means when the number of bacteria is lower then 10 CFU/g or higher then 100000 MPN/g?

People usually recognize whether the food is decayed or not by tasting, if food taste a little bit sour, we usually think the food is rotten, in fact, the food is already decayed for 24 Hrs before it tastes sour.








早已經超過200,000CFG/g = 細菌超過安全值過高所以沒有檢測價值性








如果食材可以每一批都控制在50CFG/g的範圍內那食品的穩定度如何?掌控度如何?  是否夠科學?


離國家食品安全標準有多遠? 離食品酸壞還多遠?









路會越來越寬廣,掌握你所學, 所知道的事經營餐飲業。