A Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a systematic prevention of food safety hazards in the production process which might cause end consumers sick or injured. These hazards might be physical, chemical, or microbiological. The critical control point (CCP) part of the HACCP system focuses on the flow of food through the food service system while a critical control point is defined as a step where control can be applied and is essential to prevent, eliminate or reduce a food safety hazard to acceptable levels. 

HACCP plan is developed based on the seven principles:

  • Conduct a hazard analysis and risk assessment.
  • Determine critical control points.
  • Establish critical limits for each CCP.
  • Establish monitoring procedures for each CCP.
  • Establish corrective action to be taken if a deviation occurs at a CCP.
  • Establish verification procedures.
  • Establish a record keeping system.

The HACCP system can be used at all stages of a food chain from food production, packing to distribution. Expanding in all realms of the food industry, HACCP is widely applicable especially by such segments as fish and fishery products, fresh-cut products, drinks and nectary products, food outlets, meat and poultry products, as well as school food service although tendencies also show that HACCP is increasingly applied to industries other than food, such as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.



Reference: National food service management institute, the university of Mississippi