A number of food safety management systems are widely recognized in their efforts of promoting information on important food safety related issues of global interest and helping countries strengthen their capacity to manage food safety risks. A brief introduction of their backgrounds is given below:
*International Food Safety (IFS): associated members of the German retail federation and of its French counterpart collectively developed a quality and food safety standard for retailer branded food products.

*FSSC 22000: developed for the certification of food safety systems of organizations in the food chain that process or manufacture animal products, perishable vegetal products, products with a long shelf life, food ingredients and food packaging material manufacturing. FSSC 22000 contains a complete certification scheme for Food Safety Systems based on ISO 22000, ISO 22003 and technical specifications for sector PRPs.

*SQF: The program is comprised of SQF 1000 and SQF 2000. SQF 1000 is for producers of primary food products while SQF 2000 is for manufacturers, distributors and brokers of food and beverage products, and can be used by all sectors of the food industry.
*British Retail Consortium (BRC):  companies supplying supermarkets with own label food products often have to comply with the BRC standards It represents an industry-wide benchmark for quality and food safety in areas of food safety, consumer products,packaging and packaging materials and storage and distribution.



TÜV Austria: www.tuev.at/start/browse/en/Webseiten/TUV%20Austria%20Cert/Zertifizierung%20von%20Managementsystemen/Lebensmittel