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Demonstration of exchanging a Temperature and Stir Speed Control Panel

Demonstration of exchanging stir blades

Demonstration of exchanging a Turntable Control Panel

Demonstration of exchanging Chill Water Switch Control Panel

Assembly of filter

Demonstration of exchanging a lift

Demonstration of exchanging a Lift Control Panel for NE15

Q & A



Trouble shooting of Controller common problems

gj4y4Lift control panel (Green Mask)

問號:Control penal has electrified, but there’s no reaction of  lift.


燈泡:1.There is a power switch behind every control panel, please check if it switched on or not?


控制器開關  (the power switch is behind control panel)


2-1.Check the plug between lift and controller is connected. (Apply on NE-15、NE-16、NE-30)


揚升桿與控制器  (The plug connect lift controller and lift.)


2-2.Check the plug between lift and controller is connected. (Apply on NE-51)

IMG_1009(NE-51 Lift control panel)


2-3.If you make sure the power switch has been turned on and the plug has been connected, but the lift is still not working, please contact us.






0002Temperature and stir speed control panel

(Blue Mask)


問號:Why it start alarming while switch on?


燈泡:Check temp. setting, the target temp. must be lower then current temp, or the panel will start to alarm.

(Turn on the control panel until the energy conduction tube tank go down to bottom.)


DSCF0228  (Temperature and Stir Speed Control Panel)


問號:Why it shows “E01″ on current temp. panel?


燈泡:It means the temp. sensor has broken, please contact us and send the sensor back to us.(The sign might shows on the chilling water system controller.)


問號:Display and temperature looks no problem, but system can not be switched on.


燈泡:The stir motor might be old, please send the motor back to check.






0003Turntable controller and motor (Yellow mask)

(Apply on NE-16、NE-51)


問號:Press switch on button, but there’s no reaction. And it is noisy while rotating. 



1.Open the door of  system and check if the plug that connecting rotate motor and controller is linked.


軍規接頭  (The plug)


2.Check the turntable is put on the correct position. (Refer to the below picture)


DSCF0238 (The 3 circulars “blue/orange/blue" piled up is the turntable.)


3.If the motor is still not working, please contact us. 






0004Chilling water system controller (Red Mask)


問號:There’s no water flow after switching on for a while.


燈泡:Check if turn on the steep function or not, if yes, make the steep time zero.


浸泡時間  (Chilling water system controller)









A03Common Problems 


問號:Why the water be drawn out continuously in ice water chilling mode?


燈泡:Please check is there water flow back in the hole of two-way valve while in ice water chilling mode.

It means one of the two-way valve and the chilling water system controller is broken, if the water do not flow back to the tank.


回水孔  (the hole of two-way valve)


問號:The chilling water system has switched on, and the tap water is also opened, but there’s no water out. Instead, the system is normal in ice water chilling mode. 


燈泡:The 3-way valve or controller is broken.


DSCF0243  (The 3-way valve)


問號:After turn on the chilling process, there’s no problem in tap water chilling mode, but water stopped when the process does to ice water chilling mode.


燈泡:One of 3-way valve / controller or water pump might be broken.


DSCF0244  (water pump)


問號:Why there’s water flow continuously on the floor while in chilling process?

燈泡:1.Check if the connecting tube between water tank and chilling machine drooping? (The tube should be parallel with ground.)


DSCF0245 (the tube connecting water tank and chilling machine)


2.Adjust the valve that control water input of energy conduction tubes tank, and make sure the water sprinkled on the pot.

It doesn’t means chilling time will be shorten while more water sprinkled on the pot.


水閥門開關(the valve that control water input of energy conduction tubes tank)


問號:Is there any method much more convenient  then using ice cube to chilling down the water in chilling water tank?


燈泡:Use ice water machine to collocate with rapid cooling machine.


IMAG0067_BURST001 (Ice water machine)


問號:The capacity is too small, is there any bigger rapid cooling machine?


燈泡:We can customer made the size you need.